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Talking About Problems

We feel that our culture of transparency and openness with each other tends to avoid big issues but, being a responsible company, we have a defined process to follow if anything does start to feel wrong.

While we should always assume people's best intentions and communicate publicly where possible, there may be instances when a problem requires a private discussion.

How We Handle Reported Issues

All internally reported issues will be treated with utmost seriousness, and a discussion will be initiated promptly. If an investigation is necessary, it will be conducted promptly. While transparency is valued, please note that depending on the investigation's outcome, complete details may not be disclosed.

Resolution and Follow-Up

Our primary objective is to resolve issues swiftly after the initial report. If, however, an issue reoccurs, please follow up accordingly.

Initial Contact

Your first point of contact for team-related concerns should be Head of Engineering - Gavin Allison.

For serious or urgent matters, consider escalating the issue to Ceataec CEO - Marty Cochrane.

In case you have exhausted all opportunities to resolve it within Ceataec issue can be escalated to Wilhelmsen HR. Please follow Wilhelmsen policies for this.


Ceataec employees are expected to follow Wilhelmsen Code of Conduct. All employees are encouraged and expected to tell Wilhelmsen about actual or potential breaches of our Code of Conduct. For this purposes please use whistleblowers channel. Please refer to Wilhelmsen's policy and onboarding materials for specific examples.

Wilhelmsen whistleblowing channel can be found here.

Documenting the Problem

Before discussing the problem, it's helpful to organize your thoughts by taking some notes. If there is any evidence related to the issue, gather that information as well.

Examples of Issues

Should be Raised with Gavin

Issues with a team member or someone you collaborate with, either internally or on customer's side.

- Personal conflicts affecting work
- Communication breakdowns
- Performance-related concerns

Should be Raised with Marty

Issues with your direct management or management within Ceataec in general.

- Dissatisfaction with the resolution or how the issue was handled by your direct manager.

Should be Raised with Wilhelmsen HR

If all opportunities to resolve the issue within Ceataec have been exhausted.

- Dissatisfaction with the resolution or how the issue was handled by Ceataec team.

Whistleblowing Channel

Should be used in case code of conduct is breached.

- Fraudulent or dishonest behaviour
- Suspicions of bribery